5 Ways To Create a Stunning and Relaxing Zen Bathroom Retreat

One definition of “zen” is “a state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort.” You may think of it as “going with the flow” or “getting out of your head,” but it definitely means a state of relaxation and tranquility in a natural setting, something that is often hard to find in the modern world. Absolutely everyone can benefit from having a zen retreat in their own home, and the bathroom is the perfect spot.
Are you put off by the stress of redoing an essential room? No worries. Creating a zen bathroom is easier than you think. Just a few basic elements transform your cluttered, everyday bathroom into a genuine zen retreat. With a bit of professional help, you can have this project finished to your satisfaction in no time.
Introduce the Outdoors
Many bathrooms give off a cramped, claustrophobic feel that is the opposite of zen. During a remodel, try and place your bathtub under a window so that you can enjoy a view of nature as you unwind in your bath. You’ll be able to listen to the birds, enjoy the swaying of tree branches, and contemplate the sky. And you won’t have to worry about privacy. The right kind of privacy glass or blinds enable you to see out, but no one will be able to see in.
If a window isn’t practical, you can still embrace nature by introducing plants into your bathroom. As a bonus, plants release oxygen into the air, and some even purify it. Adding a few easy-care plants to your bathroom decor will give you a fresher and more attractive bathroom.
Calming Fixtures
Clunky sinks and tubs can ruin the look of your bathroom. A zen bathroom should not rely on traditional fixtures. Instead, consider choosing a free-standing tub or a square sink basin. You can also find basins that appear to float above a simple vanity. These fixtures are striking and yet have clean lines and allow for no clutter. In general, white fixtures give off the ultimate zen vibe, although black is also an excellent choice. You will always want to stick with neutral shades because most other colors distract from the peaceful haven you are creating.
Do Not Forget the Textiles
Adding quality textiles is an inexpensive way to remake your room. Zen bathrooms benefit from natural fabrics and textures. Simple loomed rugs and woven baskets add interest to your space without creating unwanted “noise.” The baskets are also an excellent way to add storage without taking up much space. You should also consider using textile plant hangers to keep everything cohesive and natural.
Use of Stone
Stones are a core part of many zen designs. After all, nothing is more zen than a rock garden. In your bathroom, you can use stone as the flooring for your shower or as a backsplash. You don’t have to use stone in quantity — just an accent will do. And yes, you can put in a small stone/water feature to mimic the soothing sound and sight of a waterfall.
Depend on Natural Wood Pieces
Zen is all about nature, so using wood accents just makes sense. To keep things bright, you should stick to natural finishes on your vanity and other storage cabinets. You can also add small wood touches, such as a simple bench or wood-framed mirror. Stay away from heavy wood designs, however. You want to keep things light and soothing.
Bonus Accents
You can further enhance your bathroom’s zen feel by using simple and inexpensive accents. For instance, candles are essential to taking a truly relaxing bath. They add even more interest to your room and help create a soothing and romantic atmosphere. Add some gentle-smelling oils for a light and natural scent that lingers.
Consult the Experts at Luxe Home Staging and Design
The acclaimed interior designers at Luxe Home Staging and Design can bring your zen vision to life. Sandra Holmes and Lyn Spaeth, noted property stagers and interior designers, lead the creative team that specializes in luxury staging and design that will not destroy your budget.
At Luxe Home Staging and Design, we collaborate with industry leaders and individual homeowners to create visually stunning but supremely liveable houses and apartments. You should never settle for less than your design dream.
Our decades of experience ensure that your zen bathroom will be a delight. Or, if zen is not your dream, we excel in all other bathroom designs as well. For more information and a consultation, contact us today at 954-304-7355 or sandra@luxehomestaginganddesign.com.
You deserve a zen refuge in your own home.